
100% Accurate AI
Finally Here

The revolutionary AI breakthrough companies need for creating hallucination-free chatbots has finally arrived.


An Unexpected Discovery

The founder of Acurai once worked on an AI project to seamlessly merge the contents of multiple documents together. When doing so, he discovered that the LLM would occasionally conflate the contents of one document with another when the documents shared words in common. An epiphany struck. Could this be the root cause of AI hallucinations? Through manually examining hundreds of hallucinations, he confirmed that removing the shared words eliminated the hallucinations—100% of the time.

Proven Methodology

100% Accuracy on RAGTruth Corpus


RAGFix provides developers the only REST endpoint they need to finally create hallucination-free Question/Answer AI chatbots. Developers can now fix their hallucinating RAG implementations in a single API call. 100% accurate RAG can now be implemented in just a couple of minutes.

RAGFix In Action

Start creating 100% Accurate chatbots ... today!


AcuRAG is coming in the fall of 2024.


AcuRAG combines Acurai (100% accurate AI) with our patent-pending Acurai Brain technology — finally moving RAG beyond mere vector databases and keyword searching. AcuRAG will be a full turnkey service. Just provide the documents and AcuRAG will transform the contents into Acurai Brains which then supply intelligent, truly relevant content at the time of query. Acurai Brains send the content in a format that more than doubles the speed of the Acurai query response.


AcuChat is Acurai’s first consumer product — a chat service that users can finally depend upon. AcuChat can surf the web and provide 100% accurate, hallucination-free explanations of the content it finds.


AcuChat is coming in the fall of 2024.

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